Why should you go for dedicated web hosting?

Ded­i­cat­ed web host­ing is often con­sid­ered as the ulti­mate web host­ing used by the web­sites hav­ing mas­sive traf­fic or man­ag­ing heav­ier appli­ca­tions. As the name says, a ded­i­cat­ed host­ing is ded­i­cat­ed for some­one who buys the serv­er for his web­site. Although every­body can’t afford most of the best ded­i­cat­ed host­ing plans, they are real­ly pay­ing …

Latest trends in web hosting

Are you plan­ning to put up your own web­site? Set­ting up a web­site offers a lot of advan­tages to both indi­vid­ual and busi­ness enti­ties. Many busi­ness own­ers will cer­tain­ly ben­e­fit from putting up their company’s own web­site. This will allow them to present to a wider clien­tele what their busi­ness­es have to offer. With the …

Where to get free domain names?

With­out a domain name, a per­son does not have a appro­pri­ate method to find a inter­net site. The only prob­lem is domain names cost mon­ey. Grant­ed, if some­one is run­ning one or two web sites, the price of a domain name, (which ranges from $1.00 to $35), in all prob­a­bil­i­ty Is not too high. How­ev­er, …