Where to get free domain names?

With­out a domain name, a per­son does not have a appro­pri­ate method to find a inter­net site. The only prob­lem is domain names cost mon­ey. Grant­ed, if some­one is run­ning one or two web sites, the price of a domain name, (which ranges from $1.00 to $35), in all prob­a­bil­i­ty Is not too high. How­ev­er, …

What is web hosting?

A web host­ing ser­vice pro­vides a ser­vice that allows indi­vid­u­als and busi­ness­es to post web pages to the inter­net. A web host­ing ser­vice provider sells or for free (with adver­tise­ments on the web page) is a busi­ness that pro­vides the servers and tech­nolo­gies to view web-sites on the inter­net. Web host­ing ser­vices are ser­vices that …

Web hosting blog

Wel­come to this web host­ing blog, where you will find inter­est­ing infor­ma­tion and news about the lat­est web host­ing, not to men­tion reviews and guides to choos­ing the right web host­ing for your needs, whether it is for busi­ness host­ing or for per­son­al host­ing. Do look for­ward to more updates from us, as we strive …